7 ways effective meeting by Steve, Elon and Obama

  1. Keep meetings short

Sticks to a strict agenda and don’t let the discussion go free flow. Know when to interrupt and keep the discussion focused to the goal and desired results. Listen to all but you have to define the right priorities on team.


  1. Speak up

Don’t let people hide behind Power point, every person should give input. “You’re there to be a steward of all the ideas in the room,” – Schwarz- . Listen to all, be passionate and excited about the ideas and see how the team brings best out of them.


  1. Focus on the Positive

Great entrepreneur knows that failure is part of the process, so you need learn from the past, but don’t let it own you. Highlight the positive points from the meeting and appreciate people for their contribution.


  1. Don’t wait

State the meeting will begin promptly at the scheduled time and that all participants shoule be on time. Don’t wait, start the meeting at the scheduled time.  Otherwise, the velocity of the company is slowed to its meeting schedule.


  1. Challenge your team

Everyone should be willing to defend their ideas and work from honest criticism. “If you ask an employee of Apple why they put up with the challenges of working there, they will tell you: because Apple enables you to do the best work of your career.”  -Guys Kawasaki-.


  1. End the meeting well

Every meeting have one clear decision maker. If there’s no decision maker or no decision to be made, the meeting shouldn’t happen. A productive meeting needs to end on the right note to set the stage for work to continue.

  1. Keep meeting small as soon as possible

No more than 10 people should attend. Meetings can get out of control if there are too many people in the room.Effective meeting is a key to success. Use  XWORK mobile app to book private and professional meeting space, anytime and anywhere.

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